Cancer Biology and Cell Signaling

Cancer Biology and Cell Signaling  is a pivotal field of research focused on understanding the complex processes that lead to cancer development, progression, and treatment. This area encompasses the study of genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms that drive tumorigenesis and influence the behaviour of cancer cells. Investigating the mutations in oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes that initiate cancer. Exploring modifications in DNA methylation and histone acetylation that affect gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Studying the role of carcinogens, radiation, and other environmental factors in cancer development. Examining the interaction between cancer cells and the surrounding stromal cells, including fibroblasts and immune cells. Understanding how the ECM influences cancer cell migration, invasion, and metastasis. Investigating the process of new blood vessel formation that supplies nutrients and oxygen to tumours. Characterizing cancer stem cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate. Understanding how cancer stem cells contribute to metastasis and tumour recurrence. Developing strategies to specifically target and eliminate cancer stem cells. 

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